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Paul Stevens27 Nov 2023 - 14:52
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Do you know who to contact about any safeguarding or welfare issues?

Safeguarding in football is everyone’s responsibility, but as a Club, we are required to have a Club Welfare Officer who plays a key role in ensuring that coaches are appropriately checked, trained and remain in date for qualification, as well as ensuring that the club has and follows procedures in relation to safeguarding, dealing with concerns as they arise.
Any parent, player or coach can contact the welfare officer at any point to discuss any concerns whether minor or significant. Our welfare officer Amanda Stevens is also Chair of the Club. She can be contacted via telephone on 07854 163685 or email at Amanda is normally situated around our Club Tuck Shop at Stubbington Recreation Ground on Saturdays.
Should you have an urgent concern and either can’t get hold of our Club Welfare Officer or want to raise the concern outside of the club, there are a number of routes open to you. You should use one of the following channels appropriate to the urgency and nature of your issue:
• Hampshire FA Designated Safeguarding Officer - Shantell Woodward, contactable in normal office hours on 01256 853012
• Hampshire FA Safeguarding Team – via safeguarding@Hampshire
• The NSPCC – available 24 hours via 0808 800 5000
• Complete a referral form to report a concern to Children’s Services
• Report online safety concerns to CEOP
• In emergency situations, where you believe a child is at immediate risk of serious harm, call the police on 999

The FA have also provided a short free e-learning (takes 30 minutes) for parents to develop more awareness about safeguarding in football and we encourage parents to undertake this course.

Further reading